My Glorious Journey by Mithridates the Magnificent
...through the darkness, follow the light...
My Glorious Journey by Mithridates the Magnificent
...through the darkness, follow the light...
From the tawdry town of Parsa, overlooked by the broken columns of a ruined city, a group of scholars, children, artiodaktils and their beaters espy a new star blazing in the sky
Could this be the glorious sign that signals the rise to Fame, Fortune, and Global Recognition of that long-misunderstood and despised artio, Mithridates?
or, midst the chaos of their deeply unpopular mission, is there any credibility in the scholars' belief that the star will lead them to a new king who'll rule the world with truth and justice?
We're a new publishing company that aims to refresh tired memes and abolish restrictive genres.
My Glorious Journey told in real time by Mithridates the Magnificent is our first publication.
Two or three further projects are earmarked for development during the next twelve months.
However, we are self-financed and not wealthy - so, dear fellow author, please don't send us your manuscript in the hope we might publish it, for - as much as we might like to - we simply ain't got the wherewithal.
Events are told entirely in Direct Address to any who dares turn the cover and pass through the Portal.
Do you recollect the opening to Jane Eyre's concluding chapter: 'Reader, I married him'?
Well, this tale follows Bronte's lead scrupulously, immersing the 'reader' in the full experience of the calamitous journey.
If you read the section 'From Then and There...', you'll understand that the text within this book springs, rambles, stumbles, gallops and flounders through a maelstrom of modes, moods, ideolects, and registers as our humble botanical translator attempts in real time to convey meaning to us from the multiplicity of language sources that have emerged over the past two-thousand-odd years.
The tense-jawed and laconic prose of Hemingway this is not.
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You can order My Glorious Journey... in a Waterstones store or online:
Paul Rapley, My Glorious Journey told in real time by Mithridates the Magnificent
ISBN 978-1-7391888-0-1
[The author is named as Paul Rapley because we couldn't register Mithridates across all that time and space. The ISBN number is unique to the book, and provides sufficient information to locate it.]
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Oddly enough, although our margins are (even) slimmer when you browse My Glorious Journey in your local bookshop and then buy it & take it home, we're very happy for you to do that - and thereby help to keep your local bookshop going. We need them to survive for us!
Equally, when you place a firm order with your bookshop, we non-monopolists all gain by it.
Independent bookshop owners & buyers:
My Glorious Journey told in real time by Mithridates the Magnificent is listed on Gardners - although we'll be happy to supply you directly.
Use the contact form on this site or email paul.shiflabebmedia@gmail.com
Waterstones buyers:
Gardners have temporarily marked our book as 'Special Order Line' and 'Firm Sale'.
However, we think you should be placing this high-quality work on your shelves so readers interested in the brave and bold can judge it for themselves.
A reminder of the present hot topic re the quality of books for the young & celebrity "authors":
Bookshop.org buyers:
We would suggest that you might like to take another look at your present sourcing policy.
If you really want to promote 'a socially-conscious way to buy books online' (as you boast), then, surely, you should make yourself open to all literary opportunities.
Otherwise, you're merely in thrall to the nationally dominant wholesaler.
So, please do scrap your restrictions on books arbitrarily categorised as 'Firm Sale' and/or 'Special Order Line'.
We plan to be selling the book in a couple of fairs etc. over the next few weeks.
If you happen to spot us (however unlikely that may seem), it's best to buy it there and then, lest you kick yourself on Christmas Eve for not having snaffled the perfect present for that sceptical 12-120-year-old [though we reckon keen 10-year-old readers will like it, too]. You might also get it signed on behalf of Mith.
But be warned: the shif-labeb plant doesn't care about the sensibilities of those that run our schools, so many banned but oft-used words appear (though there's definitely no effing and blinding whatsoever - in English, that is).
We'll do what we can.
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